2022年03月14日 更新
Slang as a special language form has a long history. In different periods, the use of slang did reflect the certain social circumstance. Slang itself has some characteristics, so, it can be changed with the development of the society. Slang ...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:9464
In the past, people believed that slang which was nonstandard language should not be used in written English. However, with a further development of language, slang was used widely. Wang Li once stated that slang was often found not just in ...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:6790
As a highly colloquial speech, it is especially effective on casual and intimate occasions. The attitudes toward slang are also very contradictory among common people especially scholars....
分类:英语语言学 - 字数:7736
Unfortunately, only a few books concerning the translation of English slang could be found. In China, scholars still do not pay enough attention to slang learning. What’s more, some people think it is not worthy of studying the translation...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:6148
本文的研究对象为越南青年学生常用俚语,通过例举、分析近年来越南青年学生经常使用的一些俚语,归纳、总结越南校园俚语的构成特点,并试析越南学生青睐俚语的原因, 从而加深对...
分类:越南语学习 - 字数:13801
在意愿和情感表达上,俄语青年俚语直白明了,而汉语青年俚语则常常是含蓄委婉。 俄汉青年俚语在语言各层面上的相同与不同,都是语言的内部因素和外部因素相互作用的结果。...
分类:俄语专业 - 字数:7069
分类:俄语翻译 - 字数:5528
American slang is a kind of colloquial speech used extensively on informal occasions. Slang is gradually accepted by more and more Americans with the development of modern times. Language is the carrier of culture. It is impossible to fully ...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:5708