关键词:大学生心理健康问题 预警机制 当代大学生
ABSTRACT:The mental health of colleage student and the establiashment of fore waring system is a hotpot of phychology research.This paper is a summarized of CNKI on the research of mental health of colleage.Also this paper mainly analysis it on three aspects.The fist one,the main reason of the mental health of colleage come into being.The second one,the consequense of the mental health.And the last one,how to make the college feel health and fine and the establiashment of fore wating system.The paper is base on the study of relevant literature of collection in the liberary and the knowledge of the human resource management .Through the review of domestic and foreign psychology information and the guidance made by the teacher,make me know the theme of this paper deeply.The college student is a special group,therofore the preventment of mental disorder and psychosomatic disease come into a urgent problem of concern.Also the problem show the importent and urgentent of the foer waring system form another side.I think we should do from many sides,as active interest in the students' mental activity, such as regularly carry out psychological counseling to help students create a psychological profile, and set up a special committee of psychology, increase psychotherapy funds throug the research . I think we should establish a sense of crisis, link the school ,the socialy and the family psychological ,.I believe mental along the healthy direction.
Keywords: Mental health problems ;early warning mechanisms;College Students