[摘要] 小学生数学成绩的“两级分化”是班级中常见的一种现象。本文以南京市某小学五年级2班的2名学生(1名学习优秀生和1名学习困难生)为研究对象,通过六道数学题对这两个学生进行调查测试。笔者将试图呈现两类学生解题思维过程的“慢动作镜头”, 揭示两类学生解题过程存在的差异以及产生差异的影响因素,为学优生的发展和学困生的转化提供一些建议。
[关键词] 数学学困生;数学学优生;解题过程
[Abstract]The polarization of the pupil's maths scores is a common phenomenon in their class.The paper chooses two stutents include a learning excellent student and a learning difficult student from a primary school in Nanjing, class 2 grade 5 as the object of the study and and we do a survey with six maths problems to two students. We will devide it into three parts. first, we try to present the two classes of students' problem solving process in slow motion. second, we will reveal the differences in the solution process and clarify it's influencing factor.last but not least, we will give some suggestions for the excellent students to make progresses and the difficult students to make a change.
[Key words] excellent students ; learning difficulty students; problem solving process