关键词 苏南城市初中;班级文化;建设策略
Abstract:At the end of the 1980s, the theory of corporate culture began to spread in our country and its extending toward the field of school management. Its widely use has formed the primary state of the theory and practice of campus culture. Gone through nearly a decade of history, the theory and practice of the campus culture in our country has made great progress. In the late 1990s, with the education management of humanistic and personalized trend to further strengthen class culture as a sub-culture of the campus culture to flourish. In this paper, with the theory of organizational culture as a reference, the construction of class culture theory are discussed; simple combing class culture current research; and analyzing the geographical, economic and cultural characteristics and the analysis of the characteristics of education in southern Jiangsu; material culture, behavior culture, system culture and spiritual and cultural aspects of the urban junior high school class culture construction status of the investigation and analysis in southern Jiangsu; appropriate coping strategies and advices for the construction status of the class culture.
Keywords Urban Junior School in South of Jiangsu Class Culture Strategy
班级文化的概念提出较早,应该是在上世纪90年代。而班集体建设可以被视作班级文化建设的雏形状态,班集体建设从上世纪80年代初始,发展到本世纪初逐渐被班级文化建设所替代。班集体建设二十多年的发展历程为班级文化建设提供了充分的实践经验;而班级文化建设由于拥有先进的组织文化理论为参照,所以它作为新型的班集体管理理念必然会取代过去重实践轻理论的模式。在经济基础较好的苏南地区,教育基础较好,班级文化建设起步较早,但班级文化建设中仍有较多问题:1. 班级文化建设的评价标准仍然比较单一。2.班级物质文化与班级文化建设的其他维度结合程度较差。3.班级文化建设学生基础薄弱。4.德育与班级文化脱节。5.班级基础物化建设意识缺失。6.班级文化建设学生参与度较低。