[摘要] 幼儿园和家庭作为幼儿教育和生活的两个最重要环境,两者的配合对幼儿的成长具有重要意义。该研究主要通过对南京市某幼儿园家长的问卷调查,结合访谈法,逐步分析关于该幼儿园关于家园合作方面的现状及可能存在的问题,以及根据调查结果:幼儿园家园合作的具体方式多样,但很多合作方式又多流于形式;家长不能客观的看待孩子的不足、反馈形式不及时等,提出以下建议:1、多种活动形式发展家园合作2、加强沟通策略,增强家园合作意识
[关键词] 幼儿园; 家园合作; 调查
[Abstract] Kindergarten and family as early childhood education and life in the two most important environment, the two meet on young children's development has important significance. Mainly by Nanjing City Kindergarten parent questionnaire, combined with interviews, step by step analysis on the kindergarten on home cooperation present situation and possible problems, and according to the result of investigation: kindergarten cooperation in specific ways, but many ways of cooperation and become a mere formality; parents cannot objectively inadequate, child the feedback form is not timely, put forward the following suggestions:1, a variety of activities in the form of development cooperation, strengthen communication strategy2, enhanced cooperation consciousness
[Key words] kindergarden; Home - kindergarden cooperation; investigation