【摘要】本文试图深入幼儿的学习与生活中去观察幼儿的嬉戏行为,将幼儿嬉戏行为定义为在行为过程中幼儿借助语言、身体动作、面部表情、外界物体与同伴之间发生的一种行为 ,该种行为与一般游戏行为相比较不涉及具体的游戏规则、角色分工,幼儿彼此以对方为娱乐对象,带有幽默、玩笑、逗乐的性质,参与双方都能感受到身心的愉悦,在情景上具有随意性,时间上具有即时性、短时性,在目的上除了活动本身以外没有明显的外在目的。本次研究以32名大班幼儿为观察对象,进行为期一个月的实地观察,对大班幼儿在与同伴交往过程中发生的嬉戏行为进行深入观察,并对行为的发生、功能、以及教师的应对方式进行分析。
【关键词】大班幼儿; 嬉戏行为; 发生过程; 功能; 童真童趣
【Abstract】This paper attempts tofurther childer’s learning and life to observe children’s frolicking behavior, child frolicking behavior is defined as children with the language,facial expressions,extemal objects and companions,in the course of conduct body movements and the general game behavior does not involvethe specific rules of the game the division of roles, children with each other to each other for entertainment, with the nature of humor, jokes, amused, involved in both sides feel the physical and mental pleasure, scenarios on arbitrary time with immediate, short-termpurpose except the activity itself, there is no obvious external purpose. This study observed 32 class children, a one-month field observations, in-depth observation of the class children frolicking behavior and peer interaction process, and try to occurrence of the behavior, function, as well as teachers coping style.
【Key words】Class children; frolicking behavior; happen the process; fnction; Childlike innocence