【摘要】 本研究选取了有“多动”行为特征的幼儿作为个案来进行观察。研究得出该幼儿的活动量明显超过了同年龄儿童的平均水平,很多不良的习惯如果不及时进行正确的引导将会对以后的生活、学习产生很大的负面影响。其“多动”行为的形成原因,除了自身的气质类型属于偏胆汁质,大部分是受外在环境的影响。在本研究中,研究者通过对个案幼儿的深入细致的调查,试图探对多动行为的正确引导方法。
【关键词】幼儿 多动 习惯 引导
[Abstract] This study selected a "hyperactive" behavior characteristics of young children as a case to be observed. Due to lack of child care experience of life as well as the nervous system of children is still in the developmental, process of excitation is still greater than the resist process, so a lively good move is actually the nature of children.Through in-depth understanding of a few weeks. I found the children's activity levels significantly more than the average of the same age children. A lot of bad behavior. .if you do not correct boot will be on later in life. learning to have a huge impact,In the present study, the researchers adopted a thorough and meticulous investigation of cases of children's attempts to explore the correct guidance of hyperactive behavior.
[key words] children Hyperactivity Habit Guide