[摘要] 本研究选取某幼儿园大班一名具有典型行为特征的幼儿作为研究对象,通过参与观察和非正式访谈,了解该幼儿在幼儿园一日活动中的友谊状况、同伴关系和其对自己的认识。概括其同伴关系的基本特征,并从行为特征、个性、社会认知和与他人互动几方面深入分析影响该幼儿同伴关系的因素。在此基础上,给出改善幼儿同伴关系的相关建议。
[关键词] 同伴关系;交往特征;影响因素
[Abstract]: The subject in this research is a child who is about six to seven with some typical behaviors out of his/ her peers. Through observations and informal interviews, who he/ she makes friends, their relationship and how he/ she describes himself/ herself will be made clear. Moreover, the thesis will make a summary about the features on peer relation among young children and dig out the factors that have impacts on the relation from the perspective of behavioral characteristics, personalities, social cognition, etc. Based on these analyses, the thesis will give some suggestions of how to improve peer relation among young children [Key words]: peer relation; features on interaction among children; key factors