关键词:被忽视幼儿 受欢迎幼儿 游戏 同伴交往策略
Abstract:contemporary society has put forward higher requirements for the interaction between people skills. The formation of peer relationships is the main manifestation of this ability. Neglected children in the unfavorable position of peer interaction, ignored this negative position is not conducive to children's social development. Communication Strategies and neglected and popular children used in the game, this study observed and compared to the research situation is placed in the game, observation neglected Communication Strategies used by children with popular children in the game whether differences exist , and used in the game which contacts strategies tend to what interaction strategy, revealing neglected children the status of skills in their daily intercourse, combined with the literature search and analysis to help early childhood teachers in helping neglected child to change the companion position to provide reference.
Key words :neglected child popular playgroup peer communication strategy
被忽视幼儿是缺少同伴交往能力的弱势群体,他们的状态总是离群,徘徊,观望,喜欢只跟他们熟悉的一两个小朋友玩耍,所以很少有同伴喜欢他们,处于被同伴忽视和冷落的同伴交往社交地位。研究其在游戏中的交往策略,能够帮助我们进一步认识被忽视幼儿的行为特点和探寻形成被忽视社会交往地位的原因。观察比较被忽视与受欢迎幼儿的交往策略的不同之处,给教师以借鉴,给予被忽视更 好的关注,帮助,更好地改善其被忽视的地位,使其身心得到全面发展,改善其在同伴中的不良社交地位。