[关键词]:幼儿教师; 继续教育; 现状调查
Abstract:Preschool teachers to improve early childhood education is a continuing professional development of teachers important way to promote quality child care an important means of teaching. In this study, kindergarten teachers in Nanjing Spring survey to find out the status of preschool teachers, continuing education, from preschool teachers found the process of continuing education in the problems, there are preschool teachers to the education management system is not perfect; continuing education content can not meet the needs of preschool teachers at all levels and so on. To solve these problems and put forward practical suggestions and effective strategies for preschool teachers in continuing education to provide a reference.
Key words: preschool teachers; continuing education; Status
目前,从已有的文献资料来看,国内外对于教师继续教育发展的研究还是较多的,但是基本上集中于对中小学教师的研究之上,而针对幼儿教师继续教育的研究较少。鉴于此,笔者主要想通过对南京市春江幼儿园教师的继续教育现状进行调查研究。实习期间,笔者了解到南京市春江幼儿园是雨花台区教育局直属的幼儿园。它现有四个园,有春江一幼、二幼、百合园,亲子园。一共有千余名幼儿,百余名教师。全园教师大专以上及大专在读学历达100%。是一所江苏省优质幼儿园。 此幼儿园注重于“民族艺术渗透课程”及“0-3岁亲子教育”等国家级、市级立项课程的研究。开设了双语、艺术、阅读、表演、蒙氏等课程。鉴于对此幼儿园的了解,笔者主要通过对春江一幼教师继续教育现状的调查研究中,发现问题,分析问题,并以此为基础,探索有效可行的方法,为提高教师自身的素质和提高教师教育的质量摸索出一条出路。