[关键词] 幼儿教师;幼儿;惩罚方式;反映行为;情感特征
Abstract:The education with no punishment is not a complete education. A complete education is not just made of appreciation and praise alone . In the course of the internship, we found that the teachers in the class often use punitive means of education.
In this paper, observation of kindergarten teachers in small classes of punishment behavior, use analysis tools to punish behavior from teachers and manner of emotional characteristics, child characteristics of the feedback of behavior and emotional aspects of teachers punish acts of summed up the general situation; on this basis, punishment in respect of acts of emotional characteristics of teachers, punishment and child behavior feedback relationship between emotional features in-depth analysis and discussion, the following conclusions: teachers punish acts of emotional characteristics in children with severe emotional feedback behavior is emotional characteristics of the main factors also affect the way teachers punish acts of emotional characteristics of children feedback factors.
Key words: kindergarten teacher;children;Punish a mode;Respond behavior;Emotion character