[摘要] 职前教师的研究,国外这一块研究的较早,出现了很多成熟的理论,在国内的职前教师发展刚刚起步。本文采用文献分析法,对CNKI(中国知网)于2001-2011年间收录在核心期刊、优秀硕士论文、优秀博士论文的所有关于“职前教师”方面359篇文章进行了统计,从研究数量、研究内容、研究方法三个方面进行了分析,最后提出了现阶段职前教师的一些思考。认为现阶段职前教师教育研究理论研究深度需加强,研究方法要多样化,还要注重对职前教师教师专业发展,教学反思和教育实习方面的研究。
[关键词] 职前教育;研究现状;研究方法
[Abstract] Foreign study of pre-service teachers has a long history and there has been a lot of mature theory but in the domestic pre-service teacher development has just started. In this paper, Adopting the method of literature analysis, It analyzed the Chinese HowNet included in the core journals from 2001 to 2011, the outstanding master's thesis, outstanding doctoral dissertation on pre-service teachers 359 articles statistics from the quantity, research content ,research method ,three aspects of the research and finally put forward some thoughts to pre-service teachers at this stage. theory depth should be strengthened ,the research methods should be diversified, but also we should pay attention to the study of pre-service teachers' professional development of teachers, teaching reflection and education, training.
[Key words] pre-service education; research status;research methods