摘要:近年来,高校网络精品课程建设从信息共享阶段推进到深度应用阶段,既是高校教育教学革新的需要,也是高校信息化教学的要求。将网络精品课程与网络教学平台结合起来, 提高课程的教学质量和有效应用, 目前正被越来越多的高校所推广和应用。本文以南京晓庄学院为例,采用内容分析法,探讨该校在网络教学平台上发布的网络精品课程建设现状,对其进行梳理、统计和分析,总结出调查研究中发现的问题,提出相应的改进措施和策略。
关键词:网络精品课程; 高校; 网络教学平台
Abstract:In recent years, the college classic network course construction from the information sharing stage advance to the depth of the application stage, the needs of both higher education and teaching innovation, university information technology teaching requirements. Take the classic network course and network teaching platform to combine and improve the quality of teaching and the effective application of, is being more and more colleges and universities to promote and application .Take Nanjing Xiaozhuang university for example, using content analysis to explore the classic network course released by the school network teaching platform, its comb, statistics and analysis, summed up the problems found in the research and proposes the corresponding improved measures and strategies.
Keywords:Classic network course; Colleges; Network teaching platform