基于Windows Media平台的流媒体播出系统设计.doc

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  • 更新时间:2014-05-20
  • 论文字数:7506
  • 课题出处:(巧乐兹)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文






【Abstract】:The popularity of the Internet to bring great convenience to people's working life, people can browse information through network, information search, chat, e-mail, online shopping, data download. The same time, people have been dedicated to the transmission of multimedia data through the network to provide multimedia downloads from the beginning to now watch online, people do not need to wait long download process, after a short delay will be able to watch or hear his own selected media, which is now the popular video-on-demand application.    

Companies to engage in video on demand, this application software is also a lot, baton company for many years been in the free online video service support, has long not everyone realize that this is Microsoft. This is based on Microsoft’s streaming media server, and uses it to video on demand, video broadcasting, live broadcast and some applications, some of the basics of streaming media technology provides a solution for streaming media applications ways. 

【Key words】:Streaming Media; Video on Demand; Video Broadcasting; Live broadcast

