【摘要】:流媒体技术作为一种网络媒体传输方式,很好的解决了视频数据在互联网上的传输问题,流媒体技术由来已久,他不同与传统的“下载”播出,下载常常要花数分钟甚至数小时,所以这种处理方法延迟也很大。当用户需要即时播出需要时,表现出极为不便。流式传输时,声音、影像或动画等时,媒体由音视频服务器向用户计算机的连续 、实时传送,用户不必等到整个文件全部下载完毕,而只需经过几秒或十数秒的启动延时即可进行观看。它所表现的即时播出性是传统“下载”所无法比拟的。本文将基于HelixServer平台一步步进行架构流媒体播出系统。基于HelixServer为考场监视提供支持。
【关键词】:流媒体;Helix Server;点播;广播;考场监视
Abstract :Streaming technology as a network media transmission, a good solution to the video data transmitted on the Internet, streaming media technology for a long time, he is different from the traditional "download" broadcast, download often take several minutes or even a few hours, so this approach delay. When users need real-time broadcast need to show is very inconvenient. Streaming, voice, image or animation, media, audio and video server to the user's computer, continuous, real-time transmission, the user does not have to wait until the entire file is downloaded, but only after a few seconds or ten seconds start delay that is, can be viewed. It is the performance of real-time broadcast of the traditional "download" can not match. HelixServer platform-based step-by-step framework for streaming media broadcast system. Based on HelixServer for the exam monitor to provide support.
Key words:Helix Server ;Streaming Media;On demand ;Broadcasting;Examination room monitoring