关键词:大学生 生命教育 仁爱思想 教育启示
Abstract:Currently, a multitude of problems, incorporating the relatively lagging step of curriculum design and etucation concepts, as well as the comparative psychnogical vulnerability of the college students, have been infiltrated into the life education of the university students. Confucian Benevolence, however, has long been occupying the crucial role in shaping Chinese people’s behaviour and thought patterns. With its distinctive charm, Confucian Benevolence is conducive to activating the students’s vitality and bursting their wisdom of flowers into bloom. Therofore, this thesis gives priotity to the peculiar role of Confucian Benevolence in the cultivation and optimazition of the system of the university students’s life education, which is of great theoretical and practical significance.
Keyword:college students the life education Confucian Benevolence education significance