关键词:商业银行; 内部控制; 个人住房贷款
Abstract:Recently, as China's real estate market abnormal fluctuations, commercial banks personal housing loan business began to face greater risk. In this paper, individual housing loan business from internal control deficiencies and changes in the external environment on the individual housing loan business impact of internal control to consider two aspects separately, in view of China's commercial banks is currently at individual housing loan business major internal control problems, put forward to strengthen the implementation of internal control and set up a scientific risk measurement techniques and improve the internal control flow, set up with Chinese characteristics and the personal credit system and improve the property rights registration system of five measures to solve the problem. Summed up to set up a sound individual housing loans of commercial banks internal control system, in addition to the internal control to improve and strengthen their enforcement, but also required, under the rules and policy changes in the environment continue to improve, there is no perfect time to improve the permanent internal control only in accordance with the continuous improvement of environmental change relative to improve internal controls.
Key words:Commercial banks ; internal control ; individual housing loans