关键词 真空干燥;冷冻干燥;营养物质;成分含量
Abstract:Main experimental materials, asparagus lettuce for composite materials, the use of vacuum drying and freeze-drying method, the production of the of asparagus powder and lettuce powder, research, and its nutritional characteristics of the measurement of the different drying methods and drying conditions were measured for all ageunder its nutrient content, and the final determination of its nutrient content. Derived by comparing the after freeze-drying is superior to vacuum drying, to determine the best mixture of of asparagus powder lettuce powder ratio of 7:3, and the content of the compound is carried out a detailed measurement study.Measured per gram of composite asparagus powder containing soluble protein 0.165μg and 121μg DNS method to measure reducing sugar, the anthrone method measured total sugar 3720μg the phenanthroline the whisper measured vitamin C 0.089μg, ninhydrin colorimetric measurement of free amino acids is 10.12μg the the colorimetry flavonoids 0.681μg Forint method to measure polyphenol content of 56.1μg phenol-sulfuric acid method measured obtaining soluble dietary fiber content using 0.0295 water activity 0.379, color value L to 59.92, a = -9.42, b value of 36.80, E is 17.53.
Keywords vacuum drying cryodesiccation nutrient substance content