关 键 词: 植物提取物;食源性致病菌;抑菌;滤纸片法
Abstract:To study different genera of plant extracts on food-borne pathogenic bacteria inhibition. Preparation Orpine ethanol extract, the Liliaceae ethanol extract, ethanol extract of purslane plants, the Compositae ethanol extract, Aizoaceae plant ethanol extract, to study the antibacterial performance using the filter paper method,to analysis The best extraction of various genera using thin layer chromatography(TLC) .The five genera plants of Crassulaceae, liliaceous, compositae, purslane, apricot have a wide range of antibacterial effect ,The bacteriostatic effects from strong to weak is:Portulacaceae, crassulaceae, compositae, apricot, liliaceous.
Keywords Plant extracts Food-borne pathogens Antimicrobial Filter method