结果表明,80-100% O2处理抑制了PPO活性的上升和减缓了MDA的积累,并保持了SOD酶、CAT酶、α-葡萄糖苷酶的活性,对蒜米的弹性和咀嚼性起到保护作用。20d时,80%O2高氧处理的蒜米的PPO酶活性、SOD酶活性、MDA含量分别为90.89 Ug-1(FW)、49.7 Ug-1(FW)、0.061µmol/g,100%O2高氧处理的蒜米的PPO酶活性、SOD酶活性、MDA含量分别为117.27 Ug-1(FW)、50.1Ug-1(FW)、0.05µmol/g。60%O2处理抑制了PPO酶活性,减缓了MDA含量的积累,保持了CAT酶活性,对蒜米的硬度起了一定保护作用。从实验结果看来,80%O2处理蒜米在4±1℃下储藏9d的贮藏效果最佳。
关键词 蒜米;高氧气调;多酚氧化酶;过氧化物酶;丙二醛; α-葡萄糖苷酶
Abstract:In this paper, taking garlic rice as raw material, we investigated the effect of different oxygen concentration on respiration intensity, POD, PPO, CAT, SOD, MDA, α-glueosidase and texture quality. The samples were classed as control test, 40%、60%、80% and 100% groups and conserved at the condition of 4±1℃ . During refrigeration storage, every two days, respiration intensity, POD, PPO,CAT, SOD, MDA, α-glueosidase and texture quality were determined.
Results show that 80-100%O2 PPO activity of climbing and slowed the accumulation of MDA, maintaining SOD, CAT enzymes, enzyme activity of Alpha-glucosidase, elastic and chewing on garlic play a protective role. At 20d , PPO enzyme activity, and SOD enzyme activity, and MDA content respectively of garlic processing with 80%O2 high oxygen were for 90.89 U.g-1 (FW), and 49.7 U.g-1.(FW), and 0.061 µg mol/g,100%O2 high oxygen processing of garlic m of PPO enzyme activity, and SOD enzyme activity, and MDA content respectively for 117.27 U.g-1 . (FW), and 50.1 U.g-1.(FW), and 0.05 µmol/g. In point of view, the result of the experiment 80% O2 processing garlic stored under 4 + / - 1 ℃ 9 d of storage effect is best.
Keywords High oxygen Packing Garlic Polyphenol oxidase Peroxidase MDA α-glucosidase