关键词 金针菇;固体栽培;多糖;子实体;锗
Abstract:In this paper,Flammulia velutipes Su jin No.6 strain as research material,using the method of solid fermentation culture under different conditions(Different culture media,different Ge concentrations)on germanium enrichment,obtain fruiting boby ,through the determination of biological indicators of fruiting body (biomass,polysaccharide,organic germanium )to optimize the inditions .Through the control of PH 6.5,the mycelium of 22-24 degrees Ceksius ,fruiting boby of 13-15degrees celsius, and the experimental determination of Flammulina velutipes fruiting biological ind icators ,may obtain the conclusion: the best of the Ge concentration Ge-rich golden mushroom cultivation for 100-200ug/ml.
Keywords Flammulina velutipes; solid cultivation; Ge; polysaccharide; sporocarp