关键词 醋酸杆菌;苹果渣;产酸量;培养条件优化;正交试验
Abstract:Acetobacter was used to fermentate in the apple pomace semisolid culture medium.The influence of factors in the basic culture medium (glucose, yeast extract, magnesium sulfate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, anhydrous ethanol and apple pomace) were optimized. The optimal composition of medium were as follows: glucose 4%; yeast extract 5%; ethanol 3%; apple pomace 15%; KH2PO4 0.45%; MgSO4 0.03%. Under the optimal conditions, by observating acid yield curve of Acetobacter in apple pomace, the acid production was up to 49.1g/L after 3 days’ fermentation..
Keywords Acetobacter Pomace Acetic acid production Optimization of culture conditions Orthogonal experiment