关键词 石榴茶;不同工艺;杀青;发酵;抗氧化性
Abstract:This experiment chooses fresh pomegranate leaf as raw material, study the fixation process (steam, microwave, blanching) and the fermentation process (fermentation time: 60min, 120min, 180min, 240Min, 300min) changes on pomegranate tea antioxidant activity, use of alcohol and extraction of polyphenol in pomegranate leaves, reducing power, the pomegranate tea extract scavenging, inhibition of lipid peroxidation, superoxide anion scavenging hydroxyl radicals and sodium nitrite were studied and discussed. The results show that: pomegranate leaf by steaming for better fixation methods, conditions were: the amount of 3.0g, de-enzyming leaf fixing time 4.0min. The optimal fermentation conditions for: antioxidant fermentation temperature 28 ℃, fermentation time 120min has higher
Keywords Guava tea Different process Fixation Fermentation Antioxidation