关键词 牛蒡;膳食纤维;鸭肉排;最佳添加量;品质
Abstract:This experiment is to burdock and two kinds of soybean dietary fiber as raw materials, production of dietary fiber duck, studying the effect of adding dietary fiber on duck line quality. Experiment examines the soybeans and burdock dietary fiber respectively 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% , inspected the burdock soluble dietary fiber and soluble dietary fiber ratio is 4:1, 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3, 1:4, and examines the storage period of soybean dietary fiber 4% add quantity and burdock amount of dietary fiber 4% add and IDF: SDF = 1:1 proportion to add the duck with water-based, oil-based, quality and structure, color difference, MDA, TVBN and the change of the total number of colonies.
The results show that, soybeans and burdock the optimal level of dietary fiber is 4%,and burdock dietary fiber of IDF: SDF optimal adding ratio of 1:1. At that point , the water holdup is at a rate of 82.27%, fat 4.8% loss rate, hardness of 4.188 N, chewiness, elasticity of 1.22 mm is 4.7 mJ, gel strength is 11.975 N, initial rupture force is 1.012 N. Storage period for eight days.
Keywords Burdock Dietary fiber Duck row The best addition amount The quality