关键词 杏鲍菇;多糖;复合酶;超声;抗氧化活性
Abstract:In our experiment, we took complex enzymatic extraction method and ultrasound combined with enzymatic to optimize the extracting conditions of yam polysaccharide, using the method of phenol-sulfuric to determine polysaccharide content and using the method of Sevag to remove protein from Pleurotus Eryngii polysaccharide and doing the research of antioxidant activity. The experimental results showed that: the optimal conditions for the extraction of complex enzymatic were cellulose enzyme was 1%, that saccharifying enzyme was 0.6%, and that acid protease was 1%,Pleurotus Eryngii polysaccharide extraction rate under these conditions was 14.21%; the optimal conditions for ultrasound combined with enzymatic extraction were that solid-to-liquid ratio of 1:25, ultrasonic time of 20min, and ultrasonic power of 150W,Pleurotus Eryngii polysaccharide extraction rate under these conditions was 14.56%.Pleurotus Eryngii polysaccharide increased the purity of the 37.08% through removing protein.Pleurotus Eryngii polysaccharide had a strong scavenging capacity on OH·、O2-·and their 50% clearance rate (IC50) are 2.84mg/mL、2.64mg/mL. Eryngii polysaccharide also had a strong scavenging capacity on DPPH,and its 50% clearance rate (IC50) catch 60%.
Keywords Pleurotus Eryngii Polysaccharide Complex Enzymatic Ultrasound Antioxidant activity