摘要:伴随中国互联网企业的崛起,中国互联网企业在国内打败了国外互联网巨头劲敌,赢得了大部分用户的份额,尤其是腾讯打败 MSN,奠定腾 讯在中国网络通讯工具上的霸主地位。然而在经济全球化的时代,国内需求渐渐 饱和,腾讯为企业自身发展,需要逐步迈向海外寻求机遇。
本文以腾讯为研究对象,通过研究腾讯海外投资的方法以及取得的成果,分 析腾讯海外投资优势、劣势,对腾讯国际化道路提出建议,同时对中国互联网企 业国际化提供参考。
成立于 1998 年 11 月的腾讯,是拥有中国服务用户数量最多的互联网企业之 一,也是目前中国最大的互联网综合服务供应商之一。自十几年来,处于稳健、 高速发展的状态的腾讯,秉持一切以用户价值为依归的经营理念,取得良好的信 誉。
本文通过研究腾讯海外投资的案例,分析其方式方法、优劣以及最终取得的 成效,同时对腾讯国际化进行 SWOT 分析,对腾讯海外投资提供建设性意见。
关键字:海外投资 腾讯 中国互联网企业
Abstract: With the rapid development of internet Industries in China, Chinese internet enterprises face unprecedented prosperity and challenges in the global market.
Tencent was founded in November 1998, is one of Chinese largest Internet service providers, also one of the largest Chinese internet companies. Founded more than a decade, Tencent has been adhering to all the user in mind the value of the business philosophy. Also Tencent has always been in a steady and rapid development .
In this paper, we analyze the research object Tencent by studying its overseas investments and the results achieved. At the same time, we make conclusion about its investment strengths and weaknesses. Also we make recommendations for Tencent to explore the international market of internet.
Key words: foreign investment Tencent Chinese internet company