关键词: 中小企业,管理信息化,管理下企业工程
Abstract:In this paper, SME, enterprise management information, "Enterprise project management " were described in detail, through the China SME management information application status and problems of analysis of the reasons given for SMEs to carry out management information the basic principles, combined with an SME case management of information technology applications that SMEs should focus on its own characteristics, building operation and management of enterprise-based management information system to co-ordinate a range of reasonably handle the issue of corporate management information, thereby promoting the sustainable and healthy development of enterprises.
Key Words:SME,information resources, Enterprise project management
目前计算机已经在企业经营管理的各个层面得到大规模的应用,各种计算机管理系统不断涌现,如固定资产管理系统、资金财务管理系统、销售管理系统、人力资源管理系统等。不难看到,随着企业管理信息化应用领域的不断拓宽,与核心业务关联度的不断提高,信息化管理系统的复杂性以及信息化建设过程的复杂性也在增加。中小企业的市场大,需求也难以规范,由于设备和人员的限制,简单、便宜、实用的方案是大家一直追求的目标,仅仅有高级的技术并不一定能满足国内中小型企业,必须有针对性的实用技术才能适应这些群体。全程电子商务模式打破了当前信息化和电子商务应用中的诸多局限,利用在线或无线网络提供全程化 ,信息服务,打通企业运营的各个环节,低成本化的中小企业信息模式必将在实践中发展壮大。