关键词: 团购网,重新定位,葡萄美团购网营销方案
Abstract:The Putaomei Group purchase website stand to the positioning and marketing plan is to improve the website in the market and product positioning on the various disadvantages, allow the Putaomei Group purchase website can be different development, so as to improve the Putaomei Group purchase website competitiveness.
Combining with the reality of the Putaomei Group purchase website, originally to understand group of market orientation, product positioning and its own advantages and disadvantages of analysis, find Putaomei Group purchase website itself of the shortcomings of the Group purchase market. Through the market and standing position, channel mode of the grape reengineering and the promotion of Putaomei Group purchase website, which can let Putaomei Group purchase website do STH unconventional or unorthodox, different development and expand its own profile.
Key Words: group purchase website;repositioning;Marketing scheme of Putaomei Group purchase website