关键词: 美国,主权债务,我国,外汇储备,影响分析
Abstract:Statistics have indicated, in 2010 whole year China altogether increases holds American national debt $ 265.3 billion, namely China always has the quantity to the American national debt is $ 1.16 trillion. In 2011, the U.S. Treasury a crisis occurs, not only the domestic two parties to enhance the debt upper limit dispute continuous, moreover, international rating organization Standard & Poor's the American long-term sovereignty credit rating will fall by “AAA” to “AA+”, the rating forecast will be negative. It’s a huge shock to CHINA who is with large United States bonds. In the same month, China has to sell $36.5 billion of US treasury bills, one of the more long-term treasury bonds sold in China reached 40 billion US dollars, and the resulting reduced to $ 1.137 trillion. As the debt crisis in the United States, the trend of China's huge foreign exchange reserves, also attracted widespread attention. This paper discusses the debt crisis in the United States is under the direction of China's foreign exchange reserves.
Key Words:U.S. Treasury bonds Crisis China's foreign exchange reserves
目前,美国国债危机已然成为下一次可能爆发的金融危机中的一个分量极重的隐患,我国要在这未来可能发生的金融危机逃脱,就一定要做好充分的准备和万全的对策。在最近举办的“两会”中, 我国人民银行副行长兼国家外汇管理局局长易纲就关于”我国外汇储备”的问题上,回答道:“在克服危机的过程中,也要强调一点,就是要始终把风险防范放在工作的首位,外汇储备的经营原则是安全性、流动性和收益性。”“所谓保值,就是说组合的收益要跑赢当地货币的通货膨胀率,比如说CPI;所谓增值,在超过当地CPI以上,还会有一些收益,这就意味着我们做到了保值和增值。这样一个分散化的配置原则,我觉得是正确的,有效的,不管是在美国的次贷危机、雷曼危机,还是欧洲的主权债务危机中,这样多元化的配置和组合的投资理念,都起到了很好的效果。”这就说明,我国在应对这些危机的时候,已经做好了充足的准备,以减少因此带来的损失。