摘要:我国是一个悠久历史的文明古国,但文化产业发展却起步较晚,目前还落后于世界主要文化贸易国家。 “十二五”期间,我国将发展文化产业作为国家的发展战略之一,将大力实施文化“走出去”战略。
文章通过近年来的一些现象如新兴的动漫产业存在的问题、“明星”品牌为城市带来的经济效益等等,分析了我国对外文化贸易的现状以及存在的问题,并以贝塔斯曼“兰登书屋”、 中国对外文化集团公司等为例,提出了几点促进我国对外文化贸易发展的对策。如:保护知识产权,创作具有自主知识产权的优秀作品,增强文化产品及服务原创性;发展多元化文化产品和服务体系,激活我国古老的文化资源;借鉴国内外成功经验,实施"本土化运作",建立完善的法律和政策,积累竞争优势,扶持重点文化产品和企业等。
关键词:国际文化贸易 国际交流 发展战略 本土化运作
Abstract:Our country is a long history of ancient civilization, but the cultural industry development but start later, at present the world behind the main cultural trade country. "1025" period, our country will be the development of cultural industries as the development of the country one of the strategy, to implement the strategy of "going out" culture.
International cultural trade is a new field, culture as a "soft power" to enhance the role of, also gradually on the foreign economic and political harmony and inseparable. Especially in the developed countries will culture into national strategy, make it become a country the comprehensive competitiveness of ascension essential factors.
In this paper, through some of the phenomenon such as in recent years the development of animation production of the new problems, "star" brand as the city with the economic benefit and so on, this paper analyzes the present situation of China's foreign trade and culture and the existing problems, and to bertelsmann "langdon bookstore", China's foreign culture group company as an example, the paper brings forward several Suggestions to promote the development of China's foreign cultural trade measures. Such as: the protection of intellectual property rights, the creation with independent intellectual property rights of the outstanding works, strengthening cultural products and services to the original; Developing pluralistic culture products and service system, the activation of the old Chinese culture resources; From the domestic and foreign successful experience, and the implementation of the "localization operation", establish and improve the law and policy, accumulate competitive advantage, support key cultural products and the enterprise.
Key Words: International cultural trade International communication Development strategy Localization operation