关键词: 绿色贸易壁垒,纺织品出口, 保护环境
Abstract:The process of trade liberalization, as countries gradually reduce tariffs and quotas, licensing, and other non-tariff measures continue to reduce, to environmental measures as a means of "Green Barriers" has become the main performance of the existing barriers to trade one form. Currently,the green trade barriers including technical barriers have been replaced by anti-dumping, and has become the largest non-tariff barriers facing exports. Firstly, based on the theory of green barriers to sustainable development theory as a guide to China's major export industries - the textile industry as the basis, the first part is the concept of green trade barriers and formation of elaborate and summarized characteristics of green trade barriers in the textiles export. The second part shows a large number of charts and data on the current situation of China's exports of textiles. The third part discusses the textile exports suffered the underlying causes in China. The fourth part shows the impact in China textile exports from both positive and negative aspects of the green trade barriers. Based on the above analysis, the fifth part table the suggestions and countermeasures for China's textile industry to deal with the green trade barriers.
Keywords : Green Trade Barrier(GTB),Textile Exports,Environment Protect