Abstract:International factoring is a new trade settlement that develop in recent twenty years. The development of international factoring in China is the necessary of the economy and financial syestem .In recent years ,international factoring business gets swift and violent development in the world.It can not only ensure the safe receipt of export enterprises,but also provide financial services to import enterprises.It plays an important role in the international trade .In this background ,the paper will study the present situation of international factoring in our country and analysis the advantage of international factoring using in enterprises . At last, find solutions to put forward the development of international factoring strategics. In order to promote small and medium-sized enterprise international competitiveness,accelerate the development of China's small and medium-sized international factoring pace and promote the economic development.
Key words: China,International Factoring,small and medium-sized enterprise,method
我国是一个贸易大国,随着对外贸易份额迅速增长,贸易量的增长将促进国际保理业务的发展,必然要求我国更多的使用与国际接轨的结算方式——国际保理。虽然国际保理业务在我国正处于初级发展阶段,但是我国中小企业发展迅速, 迫切需要得到贸易融资和信用担保。保理业务具有较大的需求和发展潜力,对扩大中小企业的出口是一个难得的机遇。中小企业应该要敢于接受新理念,敢于尝试新的运作方式,抓住机遇,有效利用保理业务。