关键词:文化贸易 文化软实力 国际竞争力
Abstract:Culture, is the soul of a nation, and at the same time, as a kind of soft power, a spirit of strength, and a country's international influence, international competitiveness and international status is closely linked to. But now,in the modern society, culture in the competition in overall national strength status and role more prominent. All countries have to improve the nation's cultural soft power as the main development strategy, and left no stone unturned in their native culture enhance the overall strength and international competitiveness, and strive to in the fierce competition in the overall national strength of a win the initiative. This article from the present situation of the development of Chinese culture to the global analysis in the background, with a long history of China should be how to find a way of strong cultural trade.
Key words: the cultural trade cultural soft power international competitiveness