[关键词]会计政策 上市公司 公司治理 资源配置
[Abstract]Whether accounting policy choice is appropriate, it will directly related to the quality of corporate financial information and information users to make decisions based on the correct degree, thus affecting the healthy development of capital markets and the optimal allocation of market economy resources. Reasonable accounting policy options can improve the accuracy of accounting management, improve profitability, while helping policy makers to understand the accounting situation, to explore the company's long-term sustainable development path. The choice of accounting policy will not only affect a single enterprise, but also affect the development direction of the industry and the development of the future. Therefore, I will use this issue as the starting point, first explain the accounting policy and accounting policy choice connotation, analysis of accounting policy choice status and influencing factors, and then demonstrate the relationship between accounting policy choice and corporate governance, and finally put forward the relevant issues of the measures and recommendations.
[Key words]Accounting Policy, Listed Companies, Corporate Governance, Allocation of Resources