[关键词]上市公司 并购重组 企业价值评估 合并商誉
[Abstract]The purpose of mergers and acquisitions of listed companies is to bring new energy and vitality to the enterprise. However, in the process of mergers and acquisitions of the enterprise, the problems about the value assessment and combination goodwill will have an impact on the price of the mergers and acquisitions, and it is also the basis of mergers and acquisitions. The estimation of enterprise value is the most important among all the importance. It is not only the basis for determining the pricing of mergers and acquisitions, but also the core of the major asset restructuring of listed companies. This article studies the relevant theory of the value assessment and the accounting treatment of combination goodwill through the specific case of the mergers and acquisitions of Sinopec, and draws the conclusion.
[Key words]Listed Companies, Mergers and Acquisitions, Enterprise Value Assessment, Combination Goodwill