关键词:中小企业 融资 对策
Abstract:30 years of reform and opening up, the medium and small enterprises in China has made rapid development momentum, the development of national economy has become an important component, and to our national economy, the improvement of living standard and social harmony and stability have played an important role. Meanwhile, small and medium-sized enterprises in China's economic development is most alive, the most innovative spirit and new industry form important strength. However, China's small and medium-sized enterprise development still face a great deal of difficulty. Finance, as small and medium-sized enterprise internal management mechanism of one of the important factors, to strengthen the enterprise market competitiveness vital role. Along with the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in China, many problems also gradually revealed, especially small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult question, has become a block of small and medium-sized enterprises to develop stumbling block.. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the small and medium-sized enterprise financing problems existing in the process, and points out that the small and medium-sized enterprise financing problems produced the main reasons, this paper solve the difficulty in financing smes effective measures.
Key words:Small and medium-sized enterprise,financing,countermeasures