Abstract:Salary incentive mechanism is one of central link of commercial bank’s corporate governance structure. With the full opening-up of china’s banking industry in 2006, foreign banks are entering into china’s banking market, domestic banks expand rapidly, and many non-banking financial institutions have also diversified into new domains, competing for shares in the banking industry. Faced with fierce market competition, the absence of incentive mechanism for long have led to the problem of brain drain more serious in state-owned commercial banks. In this background, how to follow the international trend of banks, draw up incentive and constraint mechanism reasonably, is a problem which can not be avoided. This paper will through a comparative study and empirical analysis to obtain issues on salary incentives, summarize the experience and make suggestions to improve salary incentive mechanism on China Construction Bank (here after “CCB”),hoping it will do some help to CCB’s reform of salary mechanism
Keywords: Commercial bank ;Human resource; Salary incentive