摘 要:在当前竞争日益激烈的中小企业,人才流失的现象非常严重,很多中小企业都强烈意识到人才竞争已经成为现代企业竞争的焦点。企业要想真正拥有人才优势,就必须通过提升员工的工作幸福感来增强员工和企业的契合度,最终实现留住人才的目的。通过对中小企业员工工作幸福感的调查分析研究以及对员工工作幸福感提升路径的探索,为企业全面了解员工的心态、有效地激励员工、提高员工工作幸福感、改善企业经营管理提供方法。
Abstract:In the current increasingly competitive of small and medium-sized enterprises, the brain drain phenomenon is very serious, a lot of small and medium-sized enterprises are strongly aware of talent competition has become the focus of the modern enterprise competition. Enterprises want to have talent advantages, they must pass to promote the employees work happiness to enhance the fit of employees and businesses, and achieve the purpose of retaining talents. Through the investigation and study of small and medium-sized enterprise employees work happiness as well as to the staff work happiness upgrade path of exploration, we can provide methods to understand the mentality of employees fully, motivate employees effectively, improve employees work happiness, improve business management for enterprises.
Key Words: small and medium-sized enterprise; work happiness; factor; path of ascension