摘 要:企业员工越轨行为是员工在工作中违反组织规章制度,故意危害组织及其利益相关者的行为。企业员工越轨行为降低组织生产率和组织绩效、提高员工离职率,甚至危害组织的生存和发展。通过分析员工越轨行为的危害与成因,从组织层面提出控制策略,以达到降低企业员工越轨行为的目的。
Abstract:Enterprise employee deviant behavior means that employees violate organizational rules and regulations and deliberately endanger the organization and its stakeholders. Enterprise employee deviant behavior reduce organizational productivity and organizational performance, improve employee turnover rate, and even endanger the survival and development of the organization.In this article,According to the analysis of the harms and causes of employee deviant behavior,Control strategies were puted forward from the aspects of organization, in order to reduce the employees employee deviant behavior.
Keywords: Employees deviant behavior;Organizational system ; Organizational control strategy