摘 要:老年人力资源开发,就是采取合理有效措施对整个社会的各阶层、各类型的老年人力资源进行调动,并开发其智力,充分发挥其作用,以推动社会生产力的不断发展 。文章阐述老年人力资源开发过程中政策制度,社会偏见等问题以及导致这些问题的具体原因,从而提出进行老年人力资源开发的对策,以实现我国老年人力资源的合理开发和有效利用。
Abstract:The development of elderly human resources means that people take reasonable and effective measures to transfer elderly human resources of all classes and all types in the entire society, develop their intelligences, and play their parts, so as to boost social productivity. This thesis will elaborate some problems of the system, policy and social prejudice during the course of developing elderly human resources, point out specific causes of these problems, and put forward corresponding countermeasures, thus to effect rational development and effective utilization of elderly human resources.
Keywords: elderly resource development; problems; countermeasures