摘要:自从上一个世纪90年代以来,电子商务在我国迅速的发展,因而出现了各种新兴的购物网站,根据CNNIC发布的第32次《中国互联网络发展情况统计报告》显示,截止到2013年6月我国网络用户的规模已经达到5.91亿,其中网络购物的网民有2.7091亿,网络应用的使用率为45.9%。相比2012年的12月,半年增长率为11.9%。但相较于欧美国家,电子商务在我国仍然属于一个较新的市场。因此,它在提供了许多机遇的同时也存在着许多的问题。其中最主要的一个问题就是买卖双方缺乏信任。由于网络购物是在一个虚拟的平台进行的,买卖双方的信息不对称,存在着许多的不确定因素以及风险,使得如何赢得网络消费者的信任成为了维护和促进电子商务企业可持续发展的关键。本文旨在通过对影响网络消费者信任的主要因素进行研究分析, 为我国电子商务企业提高网络营销活动效果提供理论借鉴和指导。
关键词:网络购物 消费者 信任
Abstract:Since 90s, with the rapid development of E-commerce in China,there existed a lot of online shopping websites.According to the research conducted by CNNIC, until the end of June 2013 we had 591 million internet users in China,and the online shopping users amount to 270.91 million, the usage rate was 45.9%. Compared with the end of December, 2012 the half-year increase rate was 11.9%. But in contrast to the western countries, the E-Market is a relatively new market in China which offers a lot of opportunities, meanwhile, also brings a lot problems. One of the main problems is the lack of trust in the online business transaction. As we all know, online shopping confronts many risks including the risk of virtualization platform, information asymmetry and some other potential risks. How to build trust between the online consumer and the marketer has become the key to maintain the sustainable development in the E-market. The intention of this article is to research and analyze the main factors influencing the consumer trust and give some useful advice in order to improve the online marketing activities.
Key words: online shopping consumer trust