关键词: 法国迪卡侬 体育用品零售行业 营销战略 营销策略
Abstract:With the continuous development of the national economy and the people in our country pay more attention to health,the mass sports consumption demand of the public is growing rapidly. sporting goods retail industry showed the growing prosperity , especially after the Beijing Olympic Games, and the Chinese sporting goods market obtained the unprecedented expansion. With Adidas, Nike, Li Ning , led by Sanfo outdoor sports brands have vigorously expand vast domestic sporting goods market .
France Decathlon sports professional supermarket ( referred to as the French Decathlon ) as the European largest sports retail brand , but also for the development of the whole industry chain group including R & D, design, production, logistics and sales of the brand, in the domestic market ,relative to the marketing model of the single- brand stores, Decathlon and has its own unique marketing model in products, channels, and pricing advantages in many aspects.
This paper will analyze the internal strengths and characteristics of French Decathlon marketing , combined with the actual situation of decathlon in the Chinese market and sporting goods retail industry present situation, the use of field survey data, to develop a suitable marketing strategy, and strategy for the development of the company for Chinese consumers.
Key words: Decathlon sporting goods retail industry Marketing strategy Marketing tactics