关键词:雕刻时光咖啡馆 中国市场 文艺青年 营销策略等
Abstract: Because of the improvement of the domestic economy and stronger consumption power, people are trying more different kinds of coffee. Nowadays, various types of coffee are popular among young people and even elder people in big cities. There are more and more coffee shops up to 30,000 in China. The competition is stronger when local coffee shops face the challenges of overseas coffee brands, like Starbucks so that not all local coffee shops perform very well. Take Sculpting In Time for example, through SWOT analysis, STP theory and Value marketing theory, Sculpting In Time ‘s existing marketing strategy and marketing strategy, I will make a detailed analysis of these strategies, analyze the results and put forward some practical suggestions for the improvements.
Key Words:Sculpting In Time Market in China Art youth market strategy