关键字:跨国公司 沃尔玛 本土化经营
Abstract:With the rapid development of economy, tremendous changes have taken place in the world pattern of Multinational Enterprises. in order to comply with the changes of the world economy, to adapt to the more challenging environment and to follow the more cutting-edge trends,Multi-National Corporation are also constantly adjust their development strategies.because of the differences in the politics,economic structures and cultures among different countries, the localization of the Multi-National Corporation must adapt to circumstances.
In order to adapt to the global localization and the fierce competition ,the localization has been the necessary step of the multinational enterprise globalization. multinational enterprises in China through the alliance, the market economy in the supply chain,
human resources, corporate culture , product research and development and other aspects, firmly carry out their marketing strategies, and gradually familiar with China's economic structure and characteristics ,they finally determines the unique Chinese operating system . in this paper i use the eclectic theory, theory of integration localization choice, competitive advantage and value chain theory , SWOT analysis method and so on to discuss the present situation of Multi-National Corporation in China, to study the Multi-National Corporation localization strategy, at the same time,to propose the corresponding strategy for China's multinational enterprises.
Keywords: multinational Wal-localized operations