关键词:华为 对外投资 区位选择
Abstract: With the global economic integration deepening, the multinational enterprises’ foreign investment has become an important economic growth point.Huawe, as a Chinese multinational enterprise, has made great achievements in foreign investment, and the correct location choice played an important role. This paper mainly use some theories about location choice at home and abroad, the eclectic theory of international production, the theory of marginal industrial expansion and domestic theories, nearby principle, motivation hypothesis combined with Huawei’s location choice cases,investment in Russia and America to analysis Huawei’ location choice. It is concluded that the factors affecting location choice mainly are political factor, economic factor and cuitural factor in foreign countries, and comparative advantages, strategic investment model and other inner factors from enterprises. These give other chinese enterprises some ideas about location choices that they have to consider ts own strength, strategic aim and a comprehensive and detailed understanding of all aspects of the foreign country before FDI,or they will fail.
Key words: Huawei FDI location choice