关键词:电子商务 长三角 核心竞争力 转型升级 互联网思维
Abstract:With the development and upgrading of Information and Technology, the growth of socioeconomic,the great innovation pattern in IT with business fields gradually takes place in the whole commercial industry. The E-business unceasingly becomes a significant approach for improving enterprise with business and blazing new trials. China’s Internet industry achieves great long strides and huge success in 21st century. Numerous outstanding Internet companies are changing people’s daily life and traditional industries in various areas with different degrees. As a core economy district in China, traditional companies in Yangtze River Delta combine E-commerce with their own advantages to promote core competitiveness in accomplishing the industry upgrading and transformation. Taking the enterprises in Yangtze River Delta as examples, this paper is aim to analysis their geographical advantages, present situation, industry trends and comparison the advantages and disadvantages, thus exploring a pattern for elevating traditional companies’ core competitiveness by the application of E-commerce and proposing instructive advices and suggestions.
Key words: E-commerce Yangtze River Delta Core Competitiveness Upgrading and transformation Thinking in the Internet