关键词:上海自贸区 服务外包企业 出口竞争力 影响
Abstract:Service outsourcing is enterprise will in the original internal engaged in service activities to transfer a kind of economic phenomenon to external companies to perform. Service outsourcing has not only promote services exports, optimize the trade structure, so as to promote the adjustment of economic structure, but also can promote employment, improve the quality of labor force effect, but also has low resource consumption, little environmental pollution and other characteristics, can also promote economic construction and social development to meet the needs of saving energy and Protect environment. Shanghai FTA construction is not only to bring development dividends for Shanghai and China, it is more significant that had a major impact on the area's service outsourcing enterprise competitiveness. On the basis, this research mainly carries on the system analysis of Shanghai service outsourcing enterprise competitiveness in the region, in order to provide some theoretical support and practical reference value for the development of China's service outsourcing enterprises.
Key words: Shanghai fta Service outsourcing enterprises competitiveness influence