关键字:外向型 中小航运企业 借贷经营 融资能力
Abstract:Enterprise export-oriented degree is an important index to measure the export-oriented economy. As the world economy of regional economic linkage is taken, at this stage in the coastal area of our country to develop export-oriented shipping enterprises are an important way of driving the economic development in the mainland.Shipping enterprises are the pioneer of debt management,the early 80's loan purchase shipping strategy. Today,shipping enterprises in the process of long-term lending business, show many problems, such as lack of funds, high ship investment, debt servicing ability is low, enterprises lack of development potential, the unfavorable situation.China's small and medium enterprises in its own funds is very limited, the purchase and repair maintenance will require substantial capital investment, however, the export-oriented small shipping enterprises is directly influenced by the change of international market, is more risky than introverted corporate. This paper analyzes the export-oriented small and medium-sized shipping enterprise debt management problems and the causes, characteristics, and financing of middle and small shipping enterprises in our country, and put forward the countermeasures to improve China's small and medium enterprises operating liabilities level, the exchange rate risk management and financing ability.
Keywords: Export-oriented small shipping company operation on borrowings Financing ability