【摘要】 任何一个国家或地区的经济发展,都包涵了两个相互联系的方面。一方面是表现为量的扩张即经济增长,另一方面表现为质的提高即结构的协调优化.如何调整优化江苏的产业结构对江苏的经济发展至关重要。本文以产业经济学理论为基础,.介绍了产业分类的基本理论和产业协调化理论,进而描述了产业结构的演进规律。最后,以产业政策理论和分析结果为基础,提出了江苏市产业结构调整的政策性建议,比如发展现代服务业,适度发展制造业,促进和周边地区间的产业转移等.这些政策性建议为江苏产业结构调整提供了理论依据和现实对照,具有一定的参考价值。
【关键词】 产业结构;偏离份额分析;结构调整
Abstract: The economic development of country area all includes the two respects connected each other. On one hand is shown as the expansion of quantity i.e.as China’s important province, is the country’s political, cultural ,information and decision-making centers, and how to coordinate Jiangsu’s industrial structure to accelerate economic growth becomes very important Based on industry economics theory, theory of industry classification and optimizing industrial structure is introduced, and then a detailed description of the evolution of industrial law is introduced. Finally, analysis based on industrial policy and theoretical, some policies for adjusting the industrial structure in Jiangsu are recommended, which provides a the or ethical basis and policy support for readjustment of the industrial structure. The suggestions have some reference value.
Keywords: industrial saunter;Shift—Share Method,adjusting structure