摘 要:在餐饮业走上标准化、连锁化道路的今天,人们对于“吃的”要求已经不单单只在于“填腹”,同时加之人们生活水平的提高,人们对于食物的要求越来越高,更加注重营养、可口、快捷方便的餐饮食品或者说餐饮方式,工业工程作为人们致力于提高工作效率、降低成本、保证质量的一门技术科学,可以在多方面考量分析餐饮方面日常运作作业当中还需改进的地方,并通过运用工业工程相关方法理论对存在的问题进行改进,在运用研究工业工程的过程中,亦要为目前国内餐饮行业存在的主要问题提供部分的、有力的解决方法。
ABSTRACT:Nowadays the catering industry has been in the standardization, chain road, and the requirements of people to "eat" have not only been "to fill the belly", at the same time, with the improvement of people's living standard, there is growing demand for food, and people pay more attention to nutrition, delicious, convenient fast food or catering style, industrial engineering as a science and technology with which people can improve the work efficiency, reduce costs, ensure the quality, can be in consideration of food and beverage daily operation work that still needs improvement, and through the use of related theory of industrial engineering to improve the problems, in the use of industrial engineering, also to find the powerful resolvents to solve the main problems existing in the domestic food and beverage industry.
This paper mainly summarized the theoretical method of industrial engineering that may be used, and summarized the main problems existing in domestic food and beverage industry, and discusses in detail the process that the industrial engineering theory knowledge is used in Priscilla American fast food chain store with optimizing the food production process, removing excrescent procedural steps, simplifying operation, and in these processes we achieve the purpose of industrial engineering theory to a certain degree, and improve food production efficiency, at the same time ,the works we have done can also provide a new train of thought or new method to resolve the current problems of domestic catering industry.
Keywords: industrial engineering; catering industry; food industry; improvement measures